*About the acronyms. While all Foundations courses have identical content, each one is numbered differently. MCP stands for MentorCoach Program. The first Foundations course we offered was “MCP 1”. The second was “MCP 2”, and so on. Thus if a Foundations course were called “MCP 300”, it would refer to the 300th cohort of students who had gone through the Foundations program.
*About the scheduling. A new Foundations course begins each month of the year, generally during the last week of the month. The time of the class alternates between day and evening times. So, for example, let’s assume that in Month 1 the Foundations class is at 12:00 pm Eastern. In Month 2, the next Foundations class would then be at 8:00 pm Eastern. In Month 3, the next Foundations class would then be at 12:00 pm Eastern, etc.