The Foundations Program


The Foundations course is the first step in our ICF ACCREDITED COACH TRAINING PROGRAM. The International Coach Federation has awarded us the Level 2 Accredited Coach Training Program designation. This credential is awarded to programs that meet professional standards for coach training programs established by the ICF. The MentorCoach Certification Program (CMC) meets every requirement for becoming an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) once you have reached 500 client coaching hours – 100 hours for the ICF Accredited Certified Coach (ACC).

You will be in great company here. Over our 20 years training outstanding coaches, MentorCoach has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, PBS, and in dozens of local and regional newspapers. We—our faculty, students and graduates—write and present on coaching throughout the United States and Canada. And MentorCoach publishes two monthly enewsletters: The Coaching Toward Happiness eNewsletter and the eMentorCoach News.

Enroll today! Put the benefits of the MentorCoach Foundations Program to work for you in one of our currently available classes:

MCP 282* Tuesdays
Accelerated, 21-Week Class
100% Virtual, No Travel, ICF Accredited Coach Training**
21 Tuesdays
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Eastern (New York Time)
All Time Zones
Starts Tuesday March 25, 2025
Bonus Class on Tuesday March 18, 2025

Renee Fluty, MBA, CEC, CMC, PCC

MCP 283* Tuesdays
Accelerated, 21-Week Class
100% Virtual, No Travel, ICF Accredited Coach Training**
21 Tuesdays
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Eastern (New York Time)
All Time Zones
Starts Tuesday April 15, 2025
B. Foster Blair, JD, CEC, PCC

*About the acronyms. MCP stands for MentorCoach Program. The first Foundations course we offered was “MCP 1”. The second was “MCP 2”, and so on.

**About the 100% Virtual, No Travel, ICF Accredited Coach Training.  All MentorCoach training is through live, interactive video webinars on the Zoom platform, full-featured, easy-to-use.  You can connect from anywhere in the world through your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or by calling in by telephone or Skype.  No travel is required.

***About the scheduling. A new Foundations course begins each month, generally during the last week. From one month to the next, the time alternates between day and evening start times (Eastern time).

or scroll down to learn more.

  • Classes run 90 minutes per week for 21 weeks.
  • You’ll come to class by using our video webinars on the Zoom platform, full featured, easy-to-use. You can connect from anywhere in the world through your computer, tablet or smartphone, or by calling in by telephone or Skype. You’ll receive all the information you need to connect
  • Join us from almost anywhere—your office, your living room, the deck, or the beach.
  • Manuals, contracts, our student website and other proprietary materials are made available to you via E-mail and/or on the web.
  • You’ll receive recordings of all Foundations classes so you’re covered if you have to miss a few, though you must be in attendance for 80% to receive credit for the course.
  • You’ll have numerous demonstrations in class so you can see how your instructor models coaching and see what it’s like to be coached
  • Each week you are paired with a fellow student for an hour of practice by phone on specific coaching skills. This gives you real-time practice and helps you to connect with other student in your class.
  • The weekly time demands for Foundations are modest: an hour of class, an hour of homework with an assigned partner, plus reading time for the two books assigned.

or scroll down to learn more.

  • Our instructors are extraordinary—check their bios here. One instructor will work with you throughout the Foundations course.
  • They are senior coaches who walk their talk with highly successful coaching practices.
  • Your instructors hold Professional Certified Coach (PCC) or Master Certified Coach (MCC) credentials from the International Coach Federation (ICF).
  • Passionate about coaching and teaching, they are committed to your success, whether you are a new coach or a coach reaching out for a new specialization.
  • Your classmates come from a wide range of backgrounds and will enhance your learning through the insights they bring, the questions they ask, and the knowledge they share, as in any first-class school.
  • Between your instructor and fellow students, you’ll enjoy warm social support within the class—an atmosphere that will surely boost everyone’s learning, enthusiasm, and enjoyment.
  • To read our faculty bios, click here.

or scroll down to learn more.


You will learn the essentials of coaching, with a focus on coaching individuals:

  • Coaching skills grounded in social science research
  • How to incorporate positive psychology into your coaching
  • Proven individual coaching techniques to help your clients achieve centrally important professional and personal goals and to reach their full potential
  • Theories of coaching
  • How to coach individuals from the first phone call through the first few sessions and on through the life of your coaching relationship
  • Establishing and building on the coaching relationship
  • Using powerful questions, a hallmark of great coaching
  • How and why to listen as you may never have listened before
  • How to deal with challenges like resistance or ambivalence in your client
  • What to do in case of a ruptured coaching relationship
  • The nature and progress of personal change
  • How to use homework and accountability to help your clients move forward
  • How to keep your focus on the client throughout the session

You will also learn about group coaching. At MentorCoach we believe that every coach training program should cover group coaching skills but that is not the case. Here’s some of what we’ll teach you:

  • The advantages of group coaching for the coach (positively impact more lives, make more money) and the client (lower cost, ongoing group support)
  • Exactly how to structure your group time, minute by minute
  • Overview of different types of groups
  • Special focus on virtual groups led by teleconference with participants from throughout the US and internationally (anywhere with a phone)
  • How to lead a coaching group and the option of leading your own in our group practicum–where we supply the clients from MCP students in your class and the larger MCP Community

Because developing a thriving coaching practice requires marketing, we teach you how to market in a way that suits you. You’ll learn:

  • A unique MentorCoach™ approach to marketing that you can adjust to your personality and values (even if you are shy and introverted)
  • Marketing as a process of building trust
  • Marketing in which you focus on service, not selling, so that you are freed to attract your ideal clients rather than chase them
  • How to talk to others about coaching
  • What to charge, now and later
  • How to market in your home community or nationally, even internationally
  • Marketing via e-newsletters, e-mail, the web and social media
  • The steps to building business-to-business alliances

The MentorCoach Foundations course provides continuing education credits on behalf of:

California Board of Behavioral Science (CA BBS) for LCSWs and MFTs in California. Provides 31 continuing education hours.

International Coaching Federation (ICF). Provides 25 hours* of ICF Coach Continuing Education Units in Core Competencies.

Note: To receive continuing education you must be present for 17 of the 21 classes (80% of the course). Every class is recorded so when you inevitably miss a class, you’ll always have the recording. Should you end up in Foundations being present for fewer than 17 classes, no problem. You just sit in, for no charge, for the requisite number of missed classes at a future Foundations class. Thus making sure you are present for 80% of the class and get full credit!

*The Foundations class involves 31 class hours and 25 of those hours may count toward MentorCoach and ICF Certification.


There are three ways you can pay your tuition:

1. $1995 in advance

2. Three bi-monthly payments of $715

3. Six monthly payments of $360

Our Guarantee: Receive a full 100% Tuition Refund up to the start of the second class

Ready to get started?

MentorCoach deeply supports its coaches-in-training with the latest, evidence-based methods that respect and honor real clients, practically grounded in the decades of experience of its trainers. The students it attracts are exceptional and exemplary people who care passionately about creating a better world.

Lisa Hecht, CWC, CMC, PCC
Boise, ID

MentorCoach provides the highest quality coach training available anywhere. The quality of instruction, as well as the rigor of the requirements for certification, is a strong preparation for a vital coaching practice. If you bring the ability and the devotion, MentorCoach will provide the training you need.

Joel F. Wade, Ph.D.
Aptos, CA

MentorCoach is more than a coach training school. It is a community of caring, supportive, skilled and knowledgeable professionals. As a student of MentorCoach you become part of a wonderful family.

Jeff Kaplan, Ph.D., MCC
Norristown, PA

MentorCoach leads the field in coach training, with their integration of ground-breaking positive psychology discoveries into the practice of coaching. As an executive coach with a global practice, I always count on MentorCoach to keep me up to speed on the most important developments in the field.

Patricia Wheeler
Patricia Wheeler, PhD Managing Partner, The Levin Group
Atlanta, GA

I cannot imagine a better training experience than that provided by MentorCoach. The quality of the instruction is superb. The positive psychology emphasis and the opportunities to learn from leaders in the field are unparalleled. Probably the most valuable part of the training for me was my supervision experience with Anne Durand. I credit the quality of my work with the modeling and training that she provided. There are many coach training programs in the world but MentorCoach is unique in terms of the opportunity to expand both the depth and breadth of your skills. And staying connected to the community and taking the Master Classes that are not offered anywhere else has enabled me to enrich my skills and continue to learn and grow.

Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., PCC, CMC, Founder, Lawyers Life Coach LLC
Silver Spring, MD

MentorCoach provides an outstanding learning experience in coaching and positive psychology. Courses are taught by highly skilled professionals, many of whom are luminaries in their field. The environment is intellectually stimulating, and the information is up-to-date in terms of both research and practice. I had some very fine professors when I was in graduate training in psychology, yet I can truly say that some of the best teachers I’ve ever had were at MentorCoach. And the community is caring and supportive, with opportunities for ongoing learning and continuing relationships.

Marion Levine, Ph.D. Psychologist and Coach
New York City and Boulder, CO

When reflecting on my long-term involvement with the MentorCoach Community and Training Program, I realize and appreciate so many things that have enriched my career as a coach and psychologist. Along with the wide network of friends and colleagues that I’ve gained, is the unexpected learning opportunities that are unique to MentorCoach. Not only are there on-going, in depth classes to choose from but the free monthly interviews highlighting current research from the best universities in the United States and around the world help me keep my skills and deepen my knowledge base. MentorCoach is without peer in the coach training field. Nowhere else can you find this level of excellence and ongoing learning and training!

Bonni Gemmell Akalis, MA, LLP, LMSW
Grand Rapids, MI

I coached for several years without a clear understanding of the differences between coaching, counseling and consulting. MentorCoach training helped me see clear boundaries between these disciplines. More importantly the training provided me with a rich set of positive psychology-based coaching skills and ample opportunity to practice those skills with other members of the community. I’m grateful to MentorCoach for enabling me to experience the deep satisfaction of helping clients achieve their goals.

Elyse Barry, PhD
New Castle, NH

Whether preparing a one-on-one coaching session or planning a weekend retreat for Veterans, rarely a day goes by that I’m not using tools learned in MentorCoach training.

Mary Judd, Executive Director, Song Writing With Soldiers
Albany, NY
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