MentorCoach is proud to announce the following exciting master class:

Safe Passage
The New Ethics and Risk Management Master Class

Led by B. Foster Blair, JD, CEC, PCC
Co-Trainer Eva Schmidt, FNP, NBC-HWC

Starts August 2025

7 total classes
1 class of 60 minutes
6 classes of 90 minutes each
10 hours of CEs and ICF CCEs
10 hours toward CMC Coach Certification
Required for CMC Coach Certification

Or 3 Payments of $210
(plus optional $75 for CA BBS CEs)
(plus optional $20 for ICF CCEs)

1. About the Class

lighthouseSafe Passage: The New Ethics and Risk Management Master Class is a ten week learning experience that acknowledges the intellect and experience that we as student professionals, all connected by coaching, bring to the discussion and analysis of ethics.

The objectives are simple: increase your awareness of ethical situations that are common in coaching and provide some of the tools to help you gracefully navigate through them.

We’ll also assess the risks associated not just with coaching, but also with starting a new business and being a solo practitioner. I intend for the content to be interesting and important. I’ll also be committed to leveraging the experience that every participant brings to the class to enhance our discussion and to build a community of shared expertise.

We’ll start by examining the definition of coaching, the nuances of different types of coaching and how, like most professions, ethical situations can and will arise. An in-depth, but engaging analysis of the International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics and related materials will increase your resources and confidence in navigating through questionable circumstances.

As a group we’ll discuss specific questions regarding client privacy, multiple relationships, conflicts, and other situations. And we’ll talk about the most common mistakes coaches make and the best ways to avoid them.

We’ll give special attention to coaching’s uniqueness as a self-regulating profession, and the responsibility of all coaches to honor the spirit of the Code of Ethics in maintaining and promoting excellence in coaching. We’ll do this by analyzing both the Code and coaching’s core competencies and discovering how these tools work together to serve coaches and advance the profession. Plus I’ll give you a specific ethical framework to help you build awareness and mitigate uncertainty as you move forward in our shared profession.

It’s true this master class is required for MentorCoach certification. But it’s also an essential resource for all coaches actively working with clients.

It will be especially valuable for professional coaches who will ultimately qualify for ICF certification.

And most important, this master class will lay the introductory foundation for you to have a continuing ethics discussion so critical to our emerging profession.

2. What this class is NOT

  • This class is not your one time exploration of risk and ethical issues–rather, consider it the catalyst to your becoming aware of the numerous issues that can get a professional into hot water and the many resources at your disposal.
  • There are more than 50 state jurisdictions in the United States, and many more local, city, county jurisdictions. Additionally, MentorCoach has international students from countries where multiple jurisdictions are involved just like here in the US. As such, this course cannot possibly address the specific legal requirements for where you plan on coaching. We will discuss and explore ways in which the new coach can easily learn the resources near them to make sure they are in compliance with local regulations.

Our course does not have time to examine every question that might arise for attorneys just as it cannot for licensed psychologists, social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, pastoral counselors or, indeed, CPAs. But we’ll help you sense when there’s a problem and show you ways to find help and guidance.

Please note that even though legal questions are discussed in this class, in no way does this class instruction, or the materials offered constitute legal advice.

3. What’s Different About This Ethics Class?

boatWe are expanding the scope of curriculum to focus on issues relative to specific certification tracks at MentorCoach–Wellness Coaches, ADHD Coaches, Executive Coaches, etc. Historically, many non-coaches have taken this class and we want this new format to be even more inclusive of those professionals drawing from their experience and perspective. Coaching is a global profession and MentorCoach is fortunate to have students attending from many countries and cultures. As such, we’ll encourage discourse and examine ethics and business from a global perspective. This is especially important since many MentorCoach graduates go on to coach clients around the world.

I’ll include additional content that creates awareness around risk with regard to business practices and your professional reputation. As such, two extra hours have been added to the class.

4. Who Should Attend?

While this class is geared to coaching professionals, consultants, clinicians and just about anyone can benefit from its rich content and in-depth examination of ethical questions. Risk management is important in any profession–this is especially so for those operating their own business. International students will benefit just as much US students in that much of the subject matter will apply whether you’re coaching in Dubai or Des Moines. We’ll cover best practices for small businesses, including business entities, customer service, insurance considerations, and more. This is a new and exciting master class for MentorCoach. If you have previously taken Eric Harris’ Ethics class, you may choose to take this one as well. (Every space in this class is at a premium and students taking it a second time, as a new course, are, of course, responsible for the full tuition.) Taken a second time, this course can count as an elective toward MentorCoach certification. More important, you’ll experience a wonderful teacher bringing new, valuable information.

5. What will you get from this class?

You’ll walk away from this class with a stronger appreciation of ethical issues and how they can manifest in your work. By the end, you’ll become highly attuned to all that you don’t know and much more prepared for professional uncertainties. Every week, we’ll add to your resources so that at the end of the ten weeks you’ll have an “ethics tool bag” that will include information, references, texts, and links to help address future ethical issues. Further, we’ll bring together a community of professionals with enormous experience. I’ll encourage the class to use the students shared expertise as a sounding board for ethical issues long after the class has ended.

6. Week by Week Roadmap

roadmapWeek 1
Why ethics?
What is a code of ethics?
Why both are important to the ICF & the profession
Building an ethical tool bag

Week 2
Coaching and regulation or licensing
ICF & self-regulation
State regulation implications discussion
Punitive actions – a hierarchy

Week 3
ICF Code of Ethics discussion and analysis
Confidentiality & HIPAA compliance
Core competency comparison

Week 4
ICF Code of Ethics discussion and analysis (cont.)
Core competency comparison
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Week 5
The Coaching Agreement
Who’s the client? discussion
An ethical framework

Week 6
Ethics and MentorCoach companion curricula (considerations for ADHD coaches, wellness coaches, and executive coaches)
Emerging issues
Coaching and other licensed/ regulated professions. Common pitfalls to avoid.

Week 7
Risk management – business practices (customer service discussion, documentation and document management, professional image), business entities, professional reputation, insurance, mitigation strategies



Starts August 2025

7 total classes
1 class of 60 minutes
6 classes of 90 minutes each

7. Case Considerations


  • You’re an internal wellness coach employed by a large corporation. Part of your suite of services includes coaching those employees interested in smoking cessation. A client that was making progress has completely failed the smoking cessation program. You are required to report the client’s non-compliance. Implications?
  • You’re an independent executive coach and a midsized business is considering your services for a struggling executive. This is a great opportunity for you to break into the corporate world. The sponsor indicates to you that the leadership has already decided to terminate the executive and there is nothing that can dissuade them and says “…we are just trying to make it appear that we have done everything possible to save his career before we sack him.” Do you take the job?
  • You’ve had a few face-to-face coaching sessions with a life coaching client and all was going well. At your next session, the client tells you they are attracted to you and they place their hand on your knee. What are your courses of action?

8. Open to All

There are no prerequisites for this class. It is open to all, both from within the MentorCoach Community and without. We frequently welcome students from other coach training programs as well.

9. Course Tuition

Single Payment
$595 (+ optional CEs fee*)
For CE information, see #12 below.

Monthly Payments
Three monthly payments of $210 (+ optional CE* fee)
For CE information, see #12 below.

*Only register for CEs if you need CEs from one of the organizations listed in #12 below. Otherwise, when you register, indicate that you do not need CEs by choosing the “Base Unit Price with NO CE’s” registration option. (There is a $20 fee for ICF CCEs in Core Competencies.)

Enrollment Will Be Limited. First Come; First Served.

10. Coach Certification

diplomaThis class provides 10 hours toward MentorCoach Certification as an elective for students meeting the class attendance requirement (See #13 below.) It can also provide 10 hours toward ICF Certification via an Accredited Coach Training Program such as MentorCoach or via the ICF Portfolio Approach.

This class is required for or relevant to every one of MentorCoach’s specific certification programs as well.

11. ICF Coach Continuing Education

career4Live Class Attendance. This class is approved for 10 hours of CCEs from the International Coaching Federation for students meeting the class attendance requirement (see #13 below). There is a $20 fee for ICF CCEs (Core Competencies).

Listening by Recording. For students who will be listening to this class by recording, this class is approved for 10 CCEs (ICF Resource Development) from the International Coaching Federation for students meeting the class attendance requirement for listening by recording (see #13 below).

12. Board Continuing Education (CEs)

This class is approved for 10 hours of CEs for Marriage and Family Therapists in California (CA BBS). The CE administration fee is $75.  CEs for psychologists (APA) are not provided for this class.

To receive credit for CEs, students must pay the CE fee and be present for 8 out of the 10 class hours.

Note: The CE fee applies only if you are a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and need CEs from this organization. Otherwise, when you register, indicate that you do not need to pay the CE fee by choosing the “Base Unit Price with NO CE’s” registration option.

13. Attendance Requirements

attendance2Every class is recorded. You may listen to some or all of the classes by recording at your leisure.

However, to receive credit for CEs, ICF CCEs (Core Competencies), credit toward MentorCoach Certification, or to receive a Certificate of Completion, you must be present for 8 out of the 10 class hours.

Listening to the class by recording does not count toward the 80% live attendance requirement for receiving CEs, credit toward MentorCoach Certification, ICF CCEs (Core Coaching Competencies), or a Class Certificate of Completion.

However, you can earn 10 hours of ICF CCEs (Resource Development) by listening to all seven sessions. You must notify Foster that you are planning to take the class by recording.

14. Listening by Recording.

Every class is recorded. Some students may listen to some or all of the classes by recording at their leisure, sometimes emailing in questions to Foster between classes. We applaud and support this practice. We know one well-known Australian professor who used to end his week listening to the recordings of Chris Peterson’s lectures on Friday evenings, drinking white wine and reclining in his hot tub.

Note: Listening to all seven sessions of the class by recording DOES qualify the student to receive ten hours of ICF CCEUs (Resource Development). For students who will be listening to this class by recording, this class is approved for 10 hours of ICF CCEs (Resource Development) from the International Coaching Federation. To qualify for these ICF CCEs, they must notify Foster early in the course of their intent to take the class by recording. Attendance-by-recording students must listen to all recordings and submit all class attendance codes within a week after the final class. They may also be asked to pass an open-book exam over the course content.

15. Refund Policy

You may withdraw your registration at any time before the beginning of the second class and receive a full refund. You are responsible for the full tuition amount if you do not withdraw before the beginning of the second class.

About B. Foster Blair, JD, CEC, PCC

Foster elevates the performance of positive leaders, teams and organizations by addressing the rational and emotional elements of leadership and organization dynamics. He serves as a thought partner, advisor, educator, and facilitator, as he helps his clients gain insight, align for action and make the right moves at pivotal moments.

Foster has worked with leaders across the US and Europe. He supports individuals in developing and communicating their strategic vision, enhancing their leadership presence and the tools and skills required to meet and exceed complex business objectives. Capitalizing on his expertise with a variety of assessments, Foster guides individuals to the personal and professional insights necessary to achieve success. His clients rely on his targeted and actionable feedback.

Foster earned his Juris Doctor from Seton Hall University, School of Law and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Prior to starting his own coaching practice, Foster was a business leader in a Fortune 100 and 500 organization. Foster’s current and past successes are owed to his keen ability to quickly build rapport and cement relationships. Foster helps create meaning in people’s lives and work by connecting who they are to what they do and it has served him and his clients — very well.

Foster lives in North Dallas, with his wife and daughter. Foster has also served on the Board of Directors of The Chamberlain Performing Arts and has sung 1st tenor with local ensembles and the Carolina Opera. In his spare time, you may find him spending quality time with his family, volunteering in his community and on the pitch cheering on his daughter playing soccer for her #1 nationally ranked travel team. Foster’s website is

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