MentorCoach is proud to announce the following exciting master class:
Learn to Scale Your Coaching
Led by Irene Nizzero, MA, CMC, PCC
MentorCoach is proud to announce the following exciting master class:
Led by Irene Nizzero, MA, CMC, PCC
10 Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Eastern
Begins June 11, 2025
All Other Time Zones
10 total classes
2 classes of 60 minutes each (1st and 10th classes)
8 classes of 90 minutes each
14 hours of CEs and ICF CCEs
14 hours toward Certified MentorCoach Certification
Or 3 Payments of $249
(plus optional $75 for CA BBS CEs)
(plus optional $20 for ICF CCEs)
Would you like to expand your coaching practice to include group coaching?
Do you want to learn how to apply your individual coaching skills to groups?
Stuck worrying about whether or not you’re enough of an “expert” to lead a group?
Worried about the logistics and marketing of group coaching?
Group coaches often express concerns about just these things. This course is designed to give you the tools you need to create and execute group coaching programs with ease and enthusiasm.
Most importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’re learning by designing, marketing and delivering a brief group coaching program during the course.
1. Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
2. Group Coaching Experience
This is the most exciting aspect of the course! Yes…you CAN offer your first (or new and improved) group coaching program THIS summer! We’ll cover the basics of designing, fulfilling and offering your program during the first half of this course so that you’ll have time to fill and at least start your coaching program during the second half of our course. Our three main strategies for filling your group :1) “The Challenge” (from your Foundations course), 2) the MentorCoach listserv and Facebook group and 3) groups in your local community who are ready to be coached.
3. The TEN weeks
Class #1: 60 minutes
NOTE: 1 hour class meeting
Class #2: 90 minutes
The heart of the group session; how to:
Class #3: 90 minutes
This full session is dedicated to an in-class group coaching simulation; the topic will be related to wellness and will be initiated by the instructor modeling group coaching
Class #4: 90 minutes
Class #5, Class #6: 90 minutes each
These two full sessions will be dedicated to in-class group coaching simulations, providing opportunities for students to practice coaching in a group setting. They will also focus on wellness topics.
Class #7: 90 minutes
Class #8: 90 minutes
What could go wrong? Preparing for the worst
Class #9: 90 minutes
Positive Psychology based interventions for groups
Class #10: 60 minutes
Marketing and Launching
Committing to an offering
Final Thoughts and goodbyes
NOTE: 1 hour class meeting
4. Between-Class Activities
After each class period, you’ll have some work to do. We will offer readings and activities designed to deepen your understanding of group coaching and take a few steps in the direction of integrating group coaching into current practice. Try to set aside about an hour each week to work on developing, marketing and running your group coaching program this summer.
5. Class Schedule
10 Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Eastern
Begins June 11, 2025
All Other Time Zones
2 classes of 60 minutes each (1st and 10th classes)
8 classes of 90 minutes each
Date Time (Eastern) 1. June 11, 2025 1:00 to 2:00 pm 2. June 18, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 3. June 25, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 4. July 2, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 5. July 9, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 6. July 16, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 7. July 23, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 8. July 30, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 9. August 6, 2025 1:00 to 2:30 pm 10. August 13, 2025 1:00 to 2:00 pm
6. Readings
Students should expect to receive weekly study materials in the form of handouts, websites, worksheets and online video. Book recommendations will be made during the course, but there are no required materials to purchase.
7. Open to All
There are no prerequisites for this class. It is open to all, both from within the MentorCoach Community and without. We frequently welcome students from other coach training programs as well.
8. Prerequisites
9. Tuition Options
Single Payment:
$697 (+ optional CE fee)
For CE information, see #12 below.
Three monthly payments of $249 (+ optional CE fee)
For CE information, see #12 below.
10. Coach Certification
This class provides 14 hours toward MentorCoach Certification as an elective for students meeting the class attendance requirement (See #13 below.) It can also provide 14 hours toward ICF Certification via an Accredited Coach Training Program such as MentorCoach or via the ICF Portfolio Approach.
11. ICF Coach Continuing Education
This class is approved for 14 CCEs (ICF Core Competencies) from the International Coaching Federation for students meeting the class attendance requirement (See #13 below.) There is a $20 fee for ICF CCEs.
12. Board Continuing Education (CEs)
This class is approved for 14 hours of CEs for Marriage and Family Therapists in California (CA BBS). The CE administration fee is $75. CEs for psychologists (APA) are not provided for this class.
To receive credit for CEs, students must pay the CE fee and be present for 11.5 of the 14 class hours.
Note: The CE fee applies only if you are a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California and need CEs from this organization. Otherwise, when you register, indicate that you do not need to pay the CE fee by choosing the “Base Unit Price with NO CE’s” registration option.
13. Attendance Requirements
Every class is recorded. You may listen to some or all of the classes by recording at your leisure.
However, to receive credit for CEs, ICF CCEs (Core Competencies), credit toward MentorCoach Certification, or to receive a Certificate of Completion, you must be present for 11.5 of the 14 class hours.
Listening to the class by recording does not count toward the 80% live attendance requirement for receiving CEs, credit toward MentorCoach Certification, ICF CCEs (Core Coaching Competencies), or a Class Certificate of Completion.
However, you can earn 14 hours of ICF CCEs (Resource Development) by listening to all 10 sessions. You must notify us early in the course that you are planning to take the class by recording. (See #14 below.)
14. Listening by Recording
Every class is recorded. Some students may listen to some or all of the classes by recording at their leisure, sometimes emailing in questions between classes. We applaud and support this practice. We know one well-known Australian professor who used to end his week listening to the recordings of Chris Peterson’s lectures on Friday evenings, drinking white wine and reclining in his hot tub.
Note: Listening to all 10 sessions of the class by recording DOES qualify the student to receive 14 hours of ICF CCEUs (Resource Development). To qualify for these ICF CCEs, students must notify us early in the course of their intent to take the class by recording. Attendance-by-recording students must listen to all recordings and submit all class attendance codes within a week after the final class. They may also be asked to pass an open-book exam over the course content.
15. Refund Policy
You may withdraw your registration at any time before the beginning of the second class and receive a full refund. You are responsible for the full tuition amount if you do not withdraw before the beginning of the second class.
After two decades teaching on the faculty of Cambrian College, Irene now coaches full-time and is a Certified MentorCoach, a senior international Coach Trainer for MentorCoach, and an ICF Professional Certified Coach.
Irene’s coaching practice is rooted in helping her clients see themselves in new, productive ways. Her focus on truly being present to her clients and asking the difficult questions enables clients to see potentials and alternatives they may not have considered prior to coaching. Irene is delighted by how often she is inspired by her clients.
Irene coaches people from wide ranging backgrounds; these have included high school students through to corporate executives. She appreciates the variety in her practice, yet she seeks to discover common ground on which she and her clients can establish a working relationship; from there, they engage in deep reflection, meaningful exploration and workable action plans.
While on faculty at Cambrian College, Irene taught psychology, and most notably Positive Psychology, which she helped bring to campus as a regularly offered elective. While developing the curriculum for this course, she discovered the field of coaching and became immediately curious. She ultimately chose MentorCoach as her pathway to certification when she realized that Positive Psychology was a thread wound through all of the MentorCoach courses.
Irene also served for several years as the college faculty developer, predominantly responsible for helping new faculty learn to deliver curriculum in clear and engaging ways. She didn’t realize it at the time, but during her tenure in this role, she was applying many principles of both coaching and positive psychology while supporting her peers in delivering quality education.
Irene has teaching in her bones. She finds teaching on the faculty of MentorCoach as the perfect culmination of three areas of deep passion: coaching, positive psychology and quality education. There is nothing more delightful than being among a group of learners as they experience light-bulb moments and from these, adopt new ways of engaging with others.
For the last 20 years, Irene has lived and worked in Northern Ontario, Canada. She and her husband of almost 30 years have two adult children. She’s a big fan of the gym, with a regular workout schedule, and in her spare time, she crochets blankets for the local Cancer Centre or is out walking her beloved golden doodle.